
Promote Your Business Or Projects As A Video Cartoon Sponsor

I am seeking sponsors for animated cartoons I create which are placed on sites like Youtube, as well as on websites. As a sponsor you have no upfront cost. All you pay is an agreed-upon commission whenever people view the video with your ad. Here's how it works.

I use banner ads such as this to get people to the page where they can view the video. I have a tracking program which I can use to get the statistics.

For Youtube videos, they allow me to put a title card for my sponsors at the beginning of the video. This has to be a static image and no longer than 5 seconds in duration. I can also add a link to your landing page in the description below the video. You don't have to pay for an ad on Youtube to do this. The only cost you would have is when someone clicks on my link in the description and lands on your page. The amount you pay per click is something we can agree to.

In addition to Youtube and other video channels, my cartoons will be included on my website. I use Sprout Video as my video player and that enables me to put linkable ads on the videos, and a call-to-action link at the top of the video. This call-to-action link can appear during the entire time the video is playing.

Another thing I can do if you allow it, is to put a redirect link on the page where your video is playing. This redirect would be timed so that as the video ends, the viewer is automatically redirected to your own landing page. They don't have to click to get there.

Contact me to set up your sponsorship or if you have questions.